I am nomad. Hear me roar.


Wednesday 30 June 2010


One of the best ways, I think, to collect my thoughts before a trip, is to pack my clothes.

You find that by knowing what you want to wear on your trip, then you know what you want to do...

For instance, I know that because I just packed my totally hot black stretch satin dress and mustard gold satin stilettos that at some point on my trip that I intend to go out to a nice restaurant and have dinner.

I also know that as I have packed my most serious grey tweed dress and black tuxedo jacket that I intend to kick butt in all of my interviews and be offered loads of wonderful jobs.

Having also packed my sneakers, walking shoes, jeans, gloves, pashi, hoodie, and travelling hat, I know that I'm going to be doing an awful lot of sight seeing and walking around getting lost in strange cities. But that I will be comfortable doing it.

My swimming cossie, boardies, thongs (the aussie kind) and wrap skirt suggest at least one trip to the beach, however the other couple of sun dresses and shortie shorts suggest more of a week long trip to somewhere really warm. Somewhere I can really soak up the sun and be a total beach bum.

And the packing of my ski gear and thermals, leads me to believe that I really will still be there in winter to see the snow and go boarding and not just for that trip up to the altitudes of Fuji.

So tell me, what does it mean then when I have also packed my corset and a pair of pink fluffy handcuffs....?

Just kidding - they'd never get through security.


  1. A-ha! I am the first follower! Although, it took a bit of hunting to find it, perhaps a status update for advertising?
