I am nomad. Hear me roar.


Saturday 25 June 2011

Mild-Mannered Insurance Something-Something

I've decided to take the whole Daydream Island fiasco and the Winton Rejection as a sign. One great, glaring, garish in the fashion of neon 'Girls Girls Girls' signs all around the world. A sign that's stating starkly 'stay in Sydney'.

This time I'm following the signs, so as such, I have been seeking employment back in the good ol' CBD. I intend to return to my previous industry, Insurance, which is, I promise more interesting than it sounds.

So far, the job-hunt seems to be going well, with quite a few interviews, and with many more pre-interview interviews with recruitment agencies, but no one has hired me yet. Fingers crossed, I'll find something soon. I can then become the mild-mannered insurance something-something (insert job title here) by day, wild-eyed Turtlepacker, able to explore entire areas in a single bound, by night.

And on weekends.

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