I am nomad. Hear me roar.


Sunday 5 December 2010

Super Accessorise Me

I am in love.

Now it is not the first time that I have lost my heart on my trip to Japan. The thing is, you see, Japan kinda does accessories, more to the point, Japan 'kinda does' accessories, in the way Van Gogh 'kinda does' paint, or Shakespeare 'kinda does' plays. Accessories here are just, well, epic.

So poor lil ol' me, with my ever so slight (13 hatboxes later) penchant for millinery and the like, has absolutely no defence against the onslaught. I'm completely helpless against the scarves and shawls, the mittens and muffs. I saw a hooded scarf with pockets a couple of weeks ago, and but for the $300AUD price tag she would have been mine.

I really have been trying to be practical about my purchases, my hat that matches the luggage, is a trilby-like sun hat, and was bought during the blistering heat of summer. Since then I have also purchased a pair of black faux fur legwarmers, which have made going from warm indoor heating to a cold outdoor beating, an absolute breeze.

My latest love however, despite still serving the very practical purpose of saving my ears from frostbite, are perhaps just a little bit silly. My love is a pair of bright teal faux fur ear muffs, which when worn give the appearance of a crossover look between Princess Leia and James P Sullivan, but to me they are irresistible. I can't help it, I am hooked.

I am in love.

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